Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Management Interview - Tell me about a time you led by example

 To me, you can’t be a good leader if you’re not willing to also do the work.  While I set tasks for my team, I always make sure they’re not tasks I wouldn’t be willing to do.
I value voluntary job loyalty. To secure this, the manager should behave as an example to those who work under his authority. Most of the time leading by example can not be an option and should not be used as a job routine, except only in cases that demand immediate attention and care of the manager where he needs to interfere. Also, a leader/manager should know how things are done although not in minute details. Usually, it boosts morale, builds trust and respect, fosters positive work culture, and most of the time increases productivity.

Let me give you an example. I was once leading a task group that was responsible for preparing data for an annual publication. Added to this responsibility, they had to make phone calls for collecting data for another study. Due to some personal issues, two out of five members had to be absent for weeks. As the latter study had to be finished in three weeks' time I stepped in and helped them in their collection efforts of the other publication and leaving longer time for them to make the phone calls.

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